Click on underlined text to be linked to relevant news material.
Speaking at MU Global (05/18/2025)
Melopœia collaboration
"song for stephen" - mannfish
Transcription of Norman Henry's music
Denny Genovese website feature
"Songs of the Ill and Jaded" viola and piano commission (15, 22, 31-TET)
First-draft-competed transcription of The Mercury Tree's "Self Similar"
Contributor to "Practical Microtones"
Music from Kerguelen
07/13 - Experimental Music Night @ Muncie Common Market, IN (performer on Lumatone, voice, guitar, in 20, 25, and 33-TET)
06/20 - UnTwelve 2024 @ World Fellowship Center, NH (performer and lecturer; 19, 22, 34, 40, 42-TET)
05/30 - Featured in "Sound Pudding" interview (Adam Scott Neal)
05/15 - HOOU @ Hamburg ("Radical Tenderness" arrangements played in concert)
04/26 - Recording of Christopher Bailey's xenharmonic a cappella 17-TET piece "Lost and Found Things," movements 1, 3, and 4.
04/21 - MU Global Presentation @ NY (lecture on "HARK! THE BIBLICALLY ACCURATE ANGELS SING," a massive arrangement in 40-TET and 42-TET)
01/29 - "11 NOTES" acoustic version from "Six Macrotonal Etudes from Electronic Music Media" released
01/19 - "Acoustic Microtonal" released by Matthew Sheeran. I acted as a consultant for the project, checking Matthew's extensive work with my own ear training and knowledge (Now and Xen episode).
12/04 - Xenharmonic Alliance "Adxenture EP" collaborator
11/11 - Lions Park Clubhouse @ Zionsville, IN (performances of piano arrangements, arrangements of Elton John songs performed)
07/26 - SPLICE 2023 @ Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI (participant/workshopper)
07/16 - MU Global presentation (on "What a Wonderful World" a cappella arrangement, and music from unreleased Postconditional Love album "Hath Spoken Token" and "Hymn for All Goodhearted Fools")
04/16 - Transcribed "Radical Tenderness," the microtonal album by Hear Between the Lines
04/25 - Featured on Levi McClain's YouTube channel for playing "True Love Waits" (Lumatone, 31-TET)
02/07 - Featured on "Xenharmonikon" (short writing about Easley Blackwood)
​02/06 - Pärnu Nüüdismuusika Päevad @ Tallinn, Estonia (lecturer - "Analyzing xenharmonic structural drift in notable 22-TET pop music")
07/08 - Featured on George Collier's YouTube channel for playing/transcribing "Misty" on piano (19-TET)
05/15 - Microtonal Adventures Festival (MAF) 2022 @ Western Washington University (lecture on "Behind the YouTube Covers and More," singing workshops)
​01/24 - Pärnu Nüüdismuusika Päevad @ Tallinn, Estonia (lecturer - "Singing With the Infinitone")
11/16 - Hindemith & Copland International Music Festival @ New Zealand (lecturer: "Easley Blackwood's 15-tone music")
10/18 - North Carolina State University @ NC (lecture on the "emoji album")
10/15 - I become a moderator for Johnny Reinhard's "MU Global" (Microtonal University) @ NY
10/13 - Featured on George Collier's YouTube channel for transcribing Mike Battaglia's "Sweet Lorraine" (31-TET)
09/22 - Six Macrotonal Etudes for Electronic Music Media's "11 NOTES" movement is recorded by the Budapest String Orchestra (thanks to Matthew Sheeran).
09/07 - Contributor to "Edition Zalzal" published microtonal scores (Alleluia, Magic Suite, 27-EDO guitar etude and 22-EDO guitar etude)
08/23 - Featured on "Classical Connect" (short writing on Easley Blackwood)
05/04 - Featured on STAFFcirc Vol. 7b "Luna Octava" ("aesthetic softlock without cheats" 22-TET)
04/04 - Featured on SINECRAFT Vol. 3 ("Watching in Sin Valley" 17-TET)
03/15 - Xenharmonic Alliance "Gone Too Deep EP" collaborator
​01/17 - Pärnu Nüüdismuusika Päevad @ Tallinn, Estonia (lecturer - "Xenharmonics, Moderation, and Tonality")
01/10 - Featured in Robin Meiksins' "100 Days of New Composers" (flute/electronics - Rummaging Industrially)
12/12 - Featured in benyamind's album "Namoic" on 31-TET vocals/transcription
10/15 - Microfest 2020 @ Prague, Czech Republic (spectator)
06/16 - The "emoji album" is released.
03/24 - Featured on FAST-FAST's "Plans" on 19-TET guitar (@ Kingston, England)
03/14 - Featured on isaac io schankler's "Songs to Wash Your Hands To" on 31-TET vocals (@ Los Angeles, CA)
02/12 - Comp Seminar @ Ball State University (lecture on the upcoming "emoji album")
01/23 - KPISS.FM @ Brooklyn, NY (featured/music from the "emoji album" played on Jude Thomas's radio show "Xen Radio" broadcast one and two)
​01/17 - Jacob Barton steps down as Now and Xen co-host, and I host the podcast alone. Now and Xen also launches its Patreon page.
12/27 - How Things are Made @ Pittsburgh, PA (featured/music played on Brian Riordan's podcast/experimental music project "How Things are Made")
12/12 - Spectropol Records @ Bellingham, WA (composition "Zinnia Riplet" in 32-TET is featured on the regular microtonal release "Possible Worlds Volume 4")
09/07 - Private showing @ Ball State University (performance of Ben Fuhrman's "Promethean Elegies" 23-TET)
08/10 - Sevish steps down from co-hosting Now and Xen, and Jacob Barton takes his place.
08/04 - UnTwelve 2019 @ Gesundheit! Institute, WV (Six of my pieces were recorded, and I also performed in several pieces and cover songs. The UnTwelve 2019 playlist I put together of my activities is here. Tunings in which I performed/recorded include - 9edo, 15edo, 16edo, 22edo, 31edo, 13-limit JI, and Bohlen-Pierce.)
04/22 - Sursa @ Ball State University (Premiere of "Ball State Centennial Suite" by BSU New Music Ensemble)
04/18 - EM|4 multi-speaker concert (18.4) @ Ball State University (Performance of "Texting About Broccoli")
04/04 - "Six Macrotonal Etudes for Electronic Music Media" (master's thesis album) is re-released!
02/06 - "Xenharmonic Chocolate" (family christmas album) is released!
​01/29 - EM|3 @ Ball State University (Performance of "Twofold Abiogenesis" in 53-TET with Max/MSP)
11/25 - Now and Xen podcast (co-hosted initially with Sevish) releases its first episode.
11/03 - The Lethe Lounge @ New York City ("Where Were You During the Apocalypse" covered by udderbot virtuoso Jacob Barton in 17-TET)
10/18 - Student Composers' Forum @ Ball State University (performance: "Tiptoes in Quicksand" 14-TET)
10/07 - SCII Cluster Concert Hymn Fest @ Broadripple United Methodist Church (performances: featured pianist and hymn improvisation)
09/28 - SCI Student National Conference 2018 @ Indiana University (Performance of "Piano Sonata No. 1" on piano)
08/12 - Thirsty Ear 2018 @ Access Contemporary School of Music (Performed "Curiosity Finds a Frown," "Warning about the Pond Cycle," and Aaron Kister Johnson's "Alleluia" and "Si, Siluas" (17, 19, 23-TET))
07/21 - I graduate from Ball State University with an MM in Music Composition. My master's thesis was analysis of three of Easley Blackwood's Microtonal Etudes (13, 15, and 23), as well as the creation of a companion album, "Six Macrotonal Etudes."
05/18 - Microtonal Adventures Festival (MAF) 2018 @ Western Washington University (performances of "Curiosity Finds a Frown," "Fiat Circadia," "Emancipate Pitch," and Elaine Walker songs (23, 10, 22-TET), lecture on "All-Scalar Set Theory")
04/15 - Xenharmonic New Music Showcase (XNMS) 2018 @ Ball State University (self-organized optional concert I created, performances and lectures from myself and others; Neil Haverstick, Ian Wiese, Chris Vaisvil, M.O. Abbott. Performances here, program here, poster/article here.)
03/29 - Society for Electro-Acoustic Music in the United States (SEAMUS) 2018 @ University of Oregon in Eugene (performance of 21-TET "Iridescent Wenge Fugue")
03/07 - Ball State University New Music Festival (performance "In the Week Midwinter" piano)
​02/08 - Electroacoustic Barn Dance 2018 @ Jacksonville University (performance of 21-TET "Iridescent Wenge Fugue")
12/06 - Wind Ensemble @ Ball State University ("Alternative Idolizations of Mammon")
11/17 - EM|2 @ Ball State University (performance "Subconscious Train Matter" in 7L 3s dynamic tonality)
10/01 - Village Green Records (VGR) @ Muncie, IN (performances - 13-limit JI, 11, 17, 19, 20, 22, 23-TET)
06/26 - Mathematics and Computation in Music (MCM) 2017 @ Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (Music featured with Kevin Hobby, William A. Sethares and Zhenyu Zhang for work on hyperpiano "Gold-Teased Peppermint")
06/18 - UnTwelve interview
06/07 - Charlotte New Music Festival (CNMF) 2017 @ University of North Carolina (performance "Exponentially More Lost and Forgetful," lecture "Xenharmonic Q & A," composition)
04/06 - Student Composers' Forum @ Ball State University (Performance: "Death Giving Monolith" voice and dulcimer)
02/06 - International Contemporary Ensemble ("Quintet in Quarter Tones")
02/01 - Composition Seminar @ Ball State University (Lecture: "Meanings and ideas of the word xenharmonic")
​01/27 - SCI Region IV @ University of North Carolina at Greensboro (Performance: Daniel Sitler's "Catharsis" on piano)
12/01 - Ball State XMA (Xenharmonic Music Alliance) launched as a campus organization. (Article)
11/19 - SCI National Conference 2016 @ Ball State University (Lecture: "All-Scalar Set Theory")
11/03 - Student Composers' Forum @ Ball State University (Performance: "Piano Sonata No. 1")
10/13 - Electronic Music Midwest (EMM) 2016 @ Lewis University (Performance: "Sky at Witching Hour")
09/28 - Composition Seminar @ Ball State University (Lecture: "The Language of Just Intonation")
08/26 - UnTwelve 2016 @ Circle Pines in Michigan (lectures / performances)
05/07 - I graduate from Ball State University with a BS in Music Media Production.
04/29 - Sursa Hall @ Ball State University (Capstone Lecture: "Electronics, Media based Composition, and Opportunity")
04/21 - Honors College Expo @ Ball State University (Lecture on thesis: "All-Scalar Set Theory")
04/04 - Microtonal Music Organization @ Kennedy Library in Muncie (Lecture: "What does music sound like without 12 notes?")
03/01 - Sursa Hall @ Ball State University (Senior Composition Recital performances - 7-limit JI, 9, 12, 19, 22-TET)
​01/13 - Composition Seminar @ Ball State University (Lecture: "Theory Behind 'A Middle Path")
08/02 - Ball State University "Development" film music (2016 National Audience Awards, 3rd place)
07/01 - First release of "Project Hawkthorne" from the TV show Community (video game chiptune soundtrack I contributed towards)
04/08 - Composition Seminar @ Ball State University (Lecture: "N-Tone Tuning Systems and Uses")
04/02 - Ball State University "Level Three" film music
03/24 - Student Symposium @ Ball State University (Poster and fair: "A New Scalar Set Theory")
10/27 - Ball State University "Door Jostler" music/acting (1st place at 2014 Frog Baby Film Festival)
02/02 - Ball State University "Through the Eyehole" music (2nd place at 2015 Frog Baby Film Festival)